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Spay or Neuter Your Pet
Otherwise, they’ll hump like animals
Now, this isn’t popular with animals, but it’s our goal for every pet to stay a virgin.
Dogs and Cats Reproduce Like Crazy
Get the point?
What is spaying and neutering your pets?
Neutering is for Males
To remove the testicles of a male, stopping overpopulation right where it starts - in the junk.
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Spaying is for Females
To remove the ovaries and uterus of a female, ensuring she’ll never be a baby mama.
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Recovery is quick, so don’t worry
You should be able to bring them home the same day from the low-cost spay and neuter clinic, and they’ll be playing with you full force within a week.
Myths and Facts
Increasing knowledge and understanding about the procedure
Hey, we understand what it’s like to feel emotional about pets. What we don’t get is letting those slobbery emotions negate the cold hard facts. Here are some common misconceptions about spaying and neutering your pets, and what the truth really is.
Where To Start
Help us in our efforts to keep shelters clear of unwanted puppies and kittens. Consider adopting a pet instead of buying one, since many shelters and rescues actually perform spay/neuter procedures prior to adoption. If you have a rescue pup or kitty that still needs help, call your local low-cost spay and neuter clinic and make an appointment.
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