Impact in the Community

Michelson Found Animals
Michelson Found Animals was founded in 2005 with a mission of saving pets and enriching lives. With more than $100 million committed to animal welfare, MFA seeks to reduce shelter euthanasia in Los Angeles and across the country. It operates a range of initiatives including providing grants and fostering partnerships that put resources in the hands of communities in need, carrying out research that promotes pet-inclusive housing policies, and more. In the 16 years since its launch, MFA has helped more than 8 million pets and their families.

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Since 2008, 43 scientific research projects representing a $19 million+ commitment have been funded by the Michelson Prize & Grants program, all with the goal of developing one or more single-dose, permanent, nonsurgical spay/neuter technologies for companion animals. Included in this portfolio is the development of a single-dose, nonsurgical spay technology for cats that has yielded promising results.

Through the Erika & Robert Brunson Fund, MFA gifted CAMP Clinics a $1 million grant to aid in the opening of a new community clinic, support spay/neuter programs, and train more vets in HQHVSN.
MFA has helped
1+ million
pets and their families.

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